Toledo's PET Bull Project created an intervention program that pairs youth with hard to adopt rescue dogs for a multi-week workshop in education and dog training for the benefit of both youth and dog.

The Teacher's Pet program is a 6-week, once a week workshop where students will learn topics about dogs, and then have the opportunity to train dogs to make them more adoptable.

Through the power of the human-animal bond, students training with dogs are able to experience growth and behavioral improvements while enhancing the adoptability of the rescue dogs, giving them a better chance at finding a loving, permanent family.

Students will learn the basic of canine communication, dog body language, animal handling, identifying stress in dogs, dog breeds, owner responsibility, dog aggression, greetings, spay and neuter, and dog fighting. The students will work with dogs on performing commands such as sit, stay, down, leave it, drop it, how to walk on a leash, not jumping on people, improving focus and socialization and much more. At the end of the program, students will have the opportunity to test their dogs to become a Canine Good Citizen (CGC), and will receive a photo of their dog graduating. The youth are not able to adopt the dog they have trained. Please contact Cindy Reinsel at 419-704-2216 for more information.

2024 Class Start Dates

Thursday January 11th, 6:30 pm

Thursday April 4th, 6:30 pm

Thursday June 6th, 6:30 pm