Rally Novice Class

Rally Novice Class


AKC Rally is one of four companion events (obedience, Rally, agility, and tracking). Rally develops better teamwork between you and your dog, as well as sharpens your dog’s obedience skills and behavior – at home and in public.

You and your dog navigate a course together, side-by-side, at your own brisk pace. You move your dog through a course with signs where they perform different exercises. The courses include various turns and commands such as sit, down, stay, etc.

This class is an introduction to rally and covers all the signs in the novice class. Each week you and your dog learn new signs and complete a course together.

Dogs that want to participant in this class should have participated in our good manners I class, or have a strong grasp of the behaviors of sit, down, stay, and loose leash walking. Your dog should be able to sit calmly in a class of other dogs and people.

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